Guardian Angels

Everyone has Guardian Angels in their life at one time or the other; I have been lucky enough to have them for most of the time. Apart from parents, siblings, and cousins, they are the ones to look out for you in times of trouble and be your guide in life’s journey. Most of the time the angels' roles are filled by the closest of friends and associates. Earlier I wrote about my two friends who guided me in my transition to adult life during my university days (here, here, and here). This one is about an earlier phase in my life, in my childhood and teenage life when my three buddies were the defacto Guardian Angels in elementary, middle, and high school and college undergrad studies.

Bheem, Jan, and I have been close friends since elementary school. Ram joined Jan and me in college. I had a whole bunch of other friends during my student days but these three were way special. Even after 60 years, we continue to be in touch and chat very often.

Bheem (short for Bheemanna) is the only son and quite naturally in no time, he found a second home in my house. He is a very kind soul with a gentle heart and would not hurt a fly. Jan (Janardhan) is a very caring and very responsible individual who can be fully trusted. The three of us met in 4th grade when my family moved to the village where my two friends hail from. Their families had been there for generations. Soon, we three became very inseparable; we were benchmates in school. With my handicap, I required someone to accompany me daily trekking to and from school (there were no proper hearing aids in those days). These two often were my bodyguards and I do remember several instances in which they pulled me out of harm's way even in the thinnest of the village traffic. We used to gather with several other friends daily after school in our spacious yard to play; in those days my parents' home was the center of gravity - no distractions from TV and internet!. One could easily count 20 to 25 kids playing in the yard at the same time after school. We three shared homework, school notes, books, and hobbies.

Two years after my family moved to the nearby town, Jan also moved to the same town to join me in college where we met Ram (short for Ram Mohan) and we three became best friends. Ram is the jolly good fellow who never gets angry or irritated about anything (my dad gave him a pet name Sambarala Rambabu, “sambarala” meaning cool-tempered). Ram also moved from his nearby ancestral village for college and was living in his aunt’s house a block away from mine. Soon my parents persuaded him to take charge of escorting me to and from college. Unlike the school in the village, the college was far, a mile and half away, and the daily commute required a bicycle but I was forbidden to ride one on my own. Ram and Jan, often used to take turns to give me the ride. On the education front, we three got considerable guidance in most of the subjects from my brother who was two years senior to us. We three used to spend long hours studying together, mostly in my home. My two friends were as elated and proud as my parents when I finished my college final exams with distinction. We then went on our separate ways for further studies and eventually on our careers. True to their character my three friends continued to maintain contact with my parents, Bheem in particular, attending all the key events in our family, to share the joy and sorrows.

All in all, apart from my parents and brother, these three friends protected me in my childhood and with my other Amigos helped mold my character to be the person I am today. So they were my guardian angels. They took friendship to another level. 


  1. Oh great Aravind.It’s very much pleasure giving thing.Thouh you have crossed the oceans and settled in US,You haven’t forgotten any moment of past and especially regarding friends.I always feel proud that I have a best friend and it’s devine .There was a long gap in our contact due to our professional career. But ,when I came to US after 25 years you have filled a lot of joy as you came to see me all the while from far away with your better half.No doubt your father and mother gave a place beside you and your brother.I never forget their love and affection.
    You kept old memories as fresh as of yesterday.The age of our friendship is half century.But the fragrance of it is still fresh and it will be also.More over I have been benefited at my crucial days by your entire family.we three people you,Jan and me are soul mates.Aravind I am very happy that you made our companionship eternal by putting it in words and disclosed it to the world.All the best.


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